Reasons Why Dental Checkups Should Be Part of Your Health and Wellness Plan

Posted on: 24 June 2021

There are several reasons why a dental checkup might not be in your immediate plan. For example, you might not have time to do so because of your busy work schedule. Or, you might be avoiding visiting a dentist because of fear and anxiety. While the thought of a dental checkup can be a frightening experience, there are several reasons why visiting a dentist should be part of your yearly plan.
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What New Dentures Can Feel Like (and Why)

Posted on: 7 May 2021

New dentures shouldn't cause you pain. They will feel a bit awkward, a bit strange, and even slightly uncomfortable at first. What sort of discomfort should you expect, and are there any complications you should be on the lookout for? Extra Weight It's a reasonable thought that new dentures will feel a bit odd. As a rough guide, maxillary dentures (for your upper jaw) will weigh approximately 13.46 grams, and mandibular dentures (for your lower dentures) will weigh approximately 11.
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When You Should See a Cosmetic Dentist

Posted on: 6 April 2021

Cosmetic dentistry is a growing part of the industry and one that more and more people are at least a little bit curious about. It is different from traditional dentistry in that your teeth can be totally healthy and set well but just do not quite look as good as you would like. As techniques have gotten less corrosive and painful, cosmetic dentistry has seen a sharp incline in those taking it up and this is set to continue as technology gets even better.
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Are Dental Braces Difficult for Children With Autism to Wear?

Posted on: 23 February 2021

A lot of the success of orthodontic treatment depends on patient compliance. What does this mean? Consider dental braces, which work by progressively repositioning teeth with gentle pressure, delivered via the archwire applying gentle pressure to the brackets attached to each tooth. If you are the parent of an autistic child who needs braces, you might be wondering if your child will be able to comply with the necessities for successful treatment.
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