Are You Brushing Your Teeth Correctly? 5 Common Mistakes that People Make

Posted on: 15 June 2016

You may think you're on top of your game when it comes to caring for your teeth; after all, you floss, you brush at least twice a day -- and yet your dentist still has quibbles when you go for your regular checkups. So, what gives? Well, there is a chance that you are not brushing your teeth properly. It sounds crazy, but ask your dentist; many of us, despite our best intentions, just don't brush our teeth right.
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The Lowdown on Oil Pulling for Dental Health

Posted on: 26 May 2016

You may have heard of the latest oil pulling craze, which promises whiter teeth and healthier gums. But does oil pulling really make your mouth healthier? Can you use it as an alternative to dentists? Read on to get the lowdown on this latest sensation. What Is Oil Pulling? Oil pulling involves you taking a small mouthful of food-based oil and swishing it around your mouth and through your teeth for 10 - 20 minutes a day before spitting it out.
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Braced For Impact: Choosing Ceramic Braces For Orthodontic Correction In Older People

Posted on: 12 May 2016

The idea of wearing braces as an adult can be an embarrassing one, putting many people off having orthodontic treatment that could significantly their oral health and quality of life. However, adults who wear braces do not necessarily have to endure the unsightly metal equipment that most brace-wearing children endure -- in many cases, ceramic braces can be used to minimise visual impact while providing the guidance and readjustment your teeth need.
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Does Apple Cider Vinegar Damage Your Tooth Enamel?

Posted on: 21 April 2016

If you're looking for an alternative tooth whitening remedy, you may have come across apple cider vinegar as an option. Using this vinegar as a homemade toothpaste or mouthwash is considered to be a natural way to remove some stains from your teeth which may make them look whiter. While apple cider vinegar may help whiten your teeth, this vinegar may also have some harmful effects. How does apple cider vinegar work on your teeth and will it damage your tooth enamel?
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