
  • Important Facts to Know When Choosing Dental Veneers

    Discoloured, cracked or broken teeth can be a problem. Not only do they cause self-esteem issues, but cracked and broken teeth can also cause pain and further dental problems. Dental veneers can be a solution for all three problems that will renew your smile and protect them from further issues as well. Here are some important facts to know when choosing dental veneers for your dental needs. Process The process for getting dental veneers will vary slightly for each person.
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  • Tips on Emergency Management of an Avulsed Tooth

    Avulsed teeth are what dentist refer to when talking about permanent teeth that have been knocked out. This dental problem constitutes a dental emergency because if the tooth is not restored as soon as possible, the patient would have to consider replacement treatments such as dentures, tooth bridges or an implant. Nevertheless, teeth avulsions tend to be a common problem, making it essential to know how best to handle the situation.
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  • Why Does Your Dentist Want to Fit an Inlay on Your Tooth?

    When you went to your dentist with a toothache, you expected to have a filling. However, your dentist takes a look at the tooth and tells you that they want to fit an inlay instead. What is an inlay, and why does your dentist want to use one instead of a filling? What's the Difference Between Fillings and Inlays? Dentists use both fillings and inlays to treat decayed or damaged teeth.
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  • 2 tips for minimising your risk of losing a tooth

    Losing one of your teeth can be an upsetting, expensive and painful experience. Fortunately, there are ways to minimise the risk of this happening. Continue reading to find out more. 1. Don't rely solely on your at-home dental hygiene to keep periodontal disease at bay One of the most common reasons why people lose teeth is because they have developed periodontal disease. This oral condition causes a person's gums to become inflamed and to eventually recede to the point where they cannot hold the teeth in place anymore.
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  • The Two Types of Dental Implants

    Your dentist may recommend dental implants for a number of reasons. Sometimes they are needed because of damage that has occurred to your teeth either from decay or from some sort of trauma. In other situations, implants are fitted to improve the appearance of your teeth. Whether you have them fitted as a part of a cosmetic dentistry procedure or not, there are two main types of dental implants, endosteal and subperiosteal.
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  • Is It Complicated to Whiten Your Teeth When You Have Braces?

    The objective of dental braces is to make your teeth (and smile) as perfect as possible. But there are a number of other ways in which you might want to make your smile more beautiful, and teeth whitening will be an obvious choice. It's not impossible to whiten your teeth when you have braces, but your approach will need to accommodate the presence of the braces for the best possible results.
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  • Kids That Can't Floss: Are Floss Picks the Answer?

    There comes a time when dentists tell children that they should add flossing to their dental hygiene routine. While parents may start to do this for them and with them to start with, once kids hit the age of around 10, they should be able to take over and floss for themselves. This isn't always as easy as you might think, however. Some kids find it hard to use regular floss—they may end up not flossing effectively or may simply just give up trying.
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  • Autism and Braces: Can Your Child Tolerate Braces?

    If your child has autism, then you face different challenges to other parents during certain childhood milestones. For example, getting any child to agree to wear orthodontic braces and to take care of them can be difficult; this can be a very tricky problem for parents of autistic kids, especially if your child has oral sensitivity issues. How can you decide if your child can tolerate braces? How Does Your Child Manage Oral Hygiene?
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  • 3 Steps to Dental Implant Success

    Dental implants can be an excellent solution for people who have lost teeth due to gum disease, tooth decay, or an injury. While there have been cases of dental implants failing, the majority (around 96 percent) of implants successfully integrate with patients' smiles. If you are determined to become a dental implant success story, the following three tips can help to minimise the risk of your implants failing and needing to be removed.
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  • What can truly be classified as a dental emergency?

    Dental emergencies are definitely no fun. They are often very painful and can result in extensive damage to the mouth if not handled correctly. While most people know how to deal with many other emergencies such as breathing difficulties, choking or small fires, dental emergencies rarely receive the same level of attention—until they happen. It is important to distinguish what falls under a dental emergency and what doesn't so you can prepare the correct response to the appropriate condition.
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