Three Fundamental Tips for Preventing Complications After Root Canal Treatment

Posted on: 11 February 2022


If you have a severe case of dental decay, your dentist might recommend root canal treatment. This process is the best approach to saving the affected tooth and eliminating the need for extraction. In general, this procedure involves drilling the compromised tooth after anaesthetic injection. Then, the pulp cavity is cleaned of the infected and damaged nerves and vessels before sealing. The dental work is quite straightforward, but the treatment is quite invasive. Therefore, you must think about your recovery after the procedure to prevent complications. Here are essential tips for promoting a great outcome after the root canal treatment.

Rinse Your Mouth

Good oral hygiene is essential for preventing infection after the root canal procedure. If the tissues around the tooth accumulate food debris and bacteria, the gum could get inflamed. Moreover, the infection could spread to the surrounding teeth. This complication can be painful and will necessitate additional treatment. Unfortunately, brushing the affected area will be difficult after the procedure. Therefore, use a warm salt rinse to keep your oral cavity free of harmful microbes. You can also inquire about getting a commercial antimicrobial rinse from your dentist.

Use the Antibiotics

The risk of infection after root canal treatment is significant, especially for people with underlying medical conditions and other risk factors. Therefore, the dentist might prescribe antibiotics for prophylaxis. You should use these medications as indicated to ward off any infections and eliminate harmful bacteria around your compromised tooth. Often, patients fail to use all their medicine because they do not feel unwell. However, you must remember that the failure to complete the entire dose will make you vulnerable to recurrence of infections and even antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Avoid General Strain

You should make plans for adequate rest following the root canal procedure. If possible, take a few days off and relax. Avoid strenuous activities for the first few days, including exercise and excessive physical labour. If you engage in taxing work, you are more likely to experience pain. Moreover, the healing process will be delayed. You must also rest mindfully to improve your recovery. For instance, elevating the head will minimise swelling of your oral tissues. Additionally, it will reduce the pain in the drilled zone. You can ensure comfort by using more pillows to keep your head at a higher level than your body. Finally, keep an eye on your progress after the root canal treatment. Take note of your symptoms during the recovery period and consult your dentist if you find anything abnormal.