When Should You See A Dentist?

Posted on: 27 October 2019


Many people suffer from gum, teeth and other mouth-related issues secretly, due to a fear of visiting a dentist. Some of them assume that the problem will disappear within a short period, while others fear to incur dental-related costs. Good dental hygiene translates to the overall body health; hence, you should never ignore any abnormal feeling in your mouth. Visit a dentist immediately when you experience any of the following symptoms:

1. Pain and swelling

It is normal to experience some mild pains in your mouth, especially when you get hurt. However, the pain or puffiness should not persist for more than a week. If your gums or any part of your mouth swell for no apparent reason, it could be a sign of underlying gum disease or infection. When not treated earlier, the swelling may worsen and finally lead to tooth loss. Emergency dentistry will help you find the root cause of the swelling.

2. Dry mouth

In many cases, dry mouth results from various medications. The dryness can also happen due to an underlying disease or an infection, and that is why you should never ignore this symptom. If your mouth becomes dry more often, drink lots of water and eat fruits to stay hydrated. If the symptoms persist, contact a reputable dentist for an examination.

3. Teeth sensitivity

Increased teeth sensitivity to cold and hot substances often happens due to tooth decay. The decay affects the tooth enamel and eventually affects the blood vessels and the nerves. Tooth sensitivity, therefore, signifies that something has interfered with the inner parts of your tooth. If you start experiencing tooth sensitivity every time you taste hot or cold substances, book an emergency dentistry appointment to prevent the issue from becoming worse.

4. Bad breath 

Many people notice their bad breath and ignore it. Others try to solve it by using chewing gums. The best way to deal with a bad odour is to have an emergency dentistry checkup to examine the root cause of the issue. To prevent bad breath, always brush your teeth after every meal and drink plenty of water.

5. Headaches

A severe headache can happen for multiple reasons, and teeth grinding is one of them. If you suffer severe headaches, especially in the morning, the chances are high that you could be grinding your teeth while sleeping. An emergency dentistry examination can help to identify the issue. If the headache is a result of teeth grinding, your dentist will give you a mouth guard to use when you sleep.

Seeking the help of a dentist is the only practical way of finding the cause of your dental issues and getting timely care. When you notice the above symptoms, go for a dental checkup before the problem worsens. You can contact an emergency dentistry clinic in your area for more information.