Two tips for people who need both orthodontics and a dental implant

Posted on: 27 October 2019


If you have crooked teeth that you would like to have straightened out and are also missing a tooth that you wish to replace with a dental implant, then you should consider following the tips provided here:

Get the orthodontic treatment before you get the implant

In a situation like this, it would probably be best to ask the dentist for a referral to the orthodontist and to then proceed with the orthodontic treatment before you have them fit your dental implant. The reason for this is as follows: the current size of the opening in your mouth where your tooth was once located may change after you wear your braces for a few months. This is because the braces will change the position of the teeth around this opening and, in doing so, may make it larger or smaller than it originally was. Because the crowns of dental implants are custom-made to perfectly fit the openings left behind by people's missing teeth, you may experience problems with how your own implant's crown looks if you get it fitted before you get your orthodontics.

For example, if the braces change the position of the adjacent teeth in such a way that the opening gets smaller, the crown may be squeezed out of its original position and may end up jutting forward or tilting backward slightly, instead of being in alignment with these other teeth. Conversely, if the braces move your other teeth in a way that makes the opening bigger than it was before, you may notice a gap between the crown of the implant and the teeth around it. This may look unattractive and may result in food particles regularly getting stuck in this gap.

On the other hand, if your dentist carries out this implantation after your teeth have been straightened, you won't experience any issues with the way in which the crown of this implant fits, as your other teeth will not move any further after your orthodontic treatment is complete.

Ensure that you get your partial denture adjusted regularly whilst you're having your orthodontic treatment

If you follow the above-mentioned advice, your dentist will most likely give you a partial denture to wear with your braces that will disguise the empty tooth socket until you get the braces taken off and have the implant put into this socket. If they give you this device, you must get them to adjust it regularly whilst you're having your orthodontic treatment.

The reason for this is as follows: when the braces start to make your teeth move, they may push the partial denture out of the position it is supposed to be in. If you don't get this denture adjusted when this starts to happen, you may find that it starts to slip out of position whenever you talk or eat. By getting the dentist to adjust the denture as the tooth shifts, you can ensure that it functions properly until you are able to replace it with a permanent dental implant.

For more information about dental implants, reach out to your dentist today.