Some Little-Known Tips About Dental Hygiene

Posted on: 13 October 2016


If you're planning a visit to the dentist you may be wondering how your oral health regimen stacks up. Here are some additional tips to help you improve.

When Not to Brush Your Teeth

Surely, you know that you should be brushing your teeth twice a day, certainly before you go to bed and at least one additional time during the course of the day. However, you may not know that you should avoid certain times as well. For example, don't think about brushing your teeth inside of an hour after eating anything acidic, such as an orange for example. The abrasive action of brushing your teeth could transfer the acidic properties of the food beneath your gum line or cause damage to the surface of your teeth.

Better Toothbrush

When it comes to selecting a toothbrush, your dentist is often the best person to ask to give guidance in relation to your specific case. However, it's not a good idea to choose a brush with hard bristles. The brush should be rounded or soft, and you can normally get away with a small to medium size. If you suffer from any mobility problems, then electric toothbrushes can be particularly effective in your case and may well be a better option for you if you tend not to spend the time that you should using your manual brush.

Natural Sugars Only

Watch what you eat not just in relation to your overall health, but definitely in relation to your oral needs. If you do have a "sweet tooth," try to keep your intake of sugary drinks or foods only to mealtimes and don't snack in between. This will limit the amount of time that your mouth comes under attack from the acid. Remember that it takes your teeth as much as one hour to get back to normal after each intake of acidic or sugary food. Counterbalance your sweet tooth with a diet that is generally rich in vegetables and fresh fruit as well and if you still feel as if you need that sugar fix, try to get most of it naturally from fresh fruit.

Change Your Flossing Routine

If you're used to flossing, consider swapping out the traditional dental floss for an interdental brush. In many respects, these are easier to use but they can also reach much further and cover a larger area more easily than the thin string of dental floss. This is by far the best way to get rid of plaque and leftover pieces of food that your toothbrush is not able to reach. If you're not sure about the best technique ask the dentist to show you how to do this effectively.

Careful with the Mouthwash

Finally, if you do use mouthwash only use it selectively. Never use it just after brushing your teeth as it will wash away the protective fluoride from the toothpaste.